Beekeeping Resources
Illinois Apiary Registration Form
All beekeepers in Illinois must register the number and location of their hives.
Scientific Beekeeping site by Randy Oliver
A good resource for new beekeepers. Randy writes often for American Bee Journal.
At The Hive Entrance - H. Storch
Describes ways to determine what is happening inside a hive
by observing the hive entrance.
Kirk Webster Blog - New/Old Beekeeping Discoveries
Kirk works with Russian bees and has not treated his hives for many years
Has good science based information and works with beekeepers to study honeybee health
A manual on honeybee nutrition
Magazines - Both have digital editions in addition to paper
Midwest Beekeeping Suppliers
Illinois Queen Initiative- Beekeepers raising Illinois bred honeybee queens
Dadant and Sons, Hamilton IL - Oldest beekeeping supply in the US.
Closest branch location – Dadant/ Watertown WI
Fun trip to take and it is in a old barn. Also a source for package bees
The Hive Supply - Chicago IL - Sells package bees, nucs, queens, beekeeping equipment and supplies.
Meyer Bees, Minooka IL - Sells beekeeping equipment, tools and supplies, package bees, and locally produced queens (IQI Member)
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms, Fairmount IL - Breeder of Illinois Queens, also a source for Package bees.
City Bee Savers - Wheaton, IL - Sells package bees, nucs, queens and is a member of the Illinois Queen Initiative.